The Grasshopper and the Ant

ant Who knows the Grasshopper? Look at him. He is very happy, he likes to sing and dance all day.

-What a nice day!. la,la,la,la,la, I have nothing to do, but sing and play.  La, la, la, la,la.,- Grasshopper sings.

As she is singing, an Ant is passing by.

–What are you doing? ,- asks the Ant.

-Don’t you see, I am singing and dancing. And you?

-I am working,- says the Ant.

-Why?,- asks the Grasshopper.

-I am collecting food for winter,- says the Ant.

-Let’s go, play, and sing,- says the Grasshopper.

-No, thank you, I don’t want,-says the Ant.

Says the Ant and goes on his work.

The winter comes, it is very cold. There is nothing to eat and the Grasshopper goes to Ant.

-Hello, Ant I am very hungry, can you give me food to eat?,- says the Grasshopper.

-Hello, My friend, no, I can’t give you food. You don’t work in summer, so starve in winter, -says the Ant and close the door.

The End

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